Can you stitch together the various applications, data sources and processes across the complete value chain? If not you are not just throwing away profit; you are compromising customer and staff satisfaction.

McKinsey shows how an insurer can double profits over 5 years and follow the link at bottom  of article to see realisable metrics from effective claims technology integration. First let's examine the six ways to improve claims outcomes.

  1. Automate expertise with Smarter Solutions
  2. Streamline IT Investment
  3. Enhance Adjuster's (Claims Handler's) UX
  4. Optimise Claims Workflows
  5. Improve performance with Actionable BI
  6. Digitise Insurance Services

Smarter Solutions

McKinsey makes it clear that you can reduce the costs of the Claims Journey 30% by adopting smarter solutions. Automate simple, repetitive and predictable processes freeing up adjuster's time for dealing with customers. Provide the communications and orchestration tools to manage the whole claim to delight customers

Streamline IT Investment

II investment and resource issues are one of the biggest blocks to innovation. Legacy systems inhibit digital transformation. Insist on a digital claims platform that stitches together all the processes, data and apps into one end-to-end solution in an agile solution i.e. enables iterative improvement without dependence on the vendor. 

Enhance Adjuster's/Claims Handler's UX

Adjusters cannot deliver customer delight and operational effectiveness if they have to keep multiple applications open diving into each to complete tasks. Insist they can work from one digital record for the complete claims value chain so they can save an average of 88% of total time. 

Optimise Claims Workflows

Every insurer is different and customer expectations constantly change so you must be able to customise customer journeys and adjuster's workflows. WITHOUT coding or dependence on the vendor. Can you exploit the knowledge and skills of adjusters to configure optimal customer journeys? If not you are bound to be second best.

Improve performance with actionable reporting & BI

Embedded Analytics in the digital claims platform is an essential must have. Actionable insights without having to switch to BI app. Automatic alerts when supply chain partners deviate from SLAs. Real-time alerts to anticipate potential problems. Predictive analytics to plan and execute better decisions. 

Digitise Insurance Services

Typically 35% of supply chain costs are waste time and materials. The potential for better service at lower cost is enormous if you do an Uber, Airbnb and transform services:-

  • Auto Repair Networks
  • Property Drainage and Subsidence
  • Auto casualty claims flows
  • Investigations

The multiplier effect

Combining all six steps multiplies the benefits to customers and insurers. Ignoring this imperative consigns you to the second tier.


“Time for Insurers to face Digital Reality”.

“Capturing Value from the Core” ;

The P&C customer rediscovered through analytics; 

Digital Disruption in Insurance: Cutting through the noise ;

How a Digital Approach is improving customer satisfaction at a major insurer ; 

 Attacking complexity in Insurance Products and Processes;