Follow link at bottom to full article which gives practical advice.

"The most practical step for insurers in March 2020 is to recognise where fraud may seep through these new fissures in society and be ready to act calmly and - wherever possible - to give those circumstantially tempted by fraud graceful ways to escape. 360Globalnet's 360Siteview platform is usually configured with a 'withdraw claim' that sits alongside robust digital methods of designing-out fraud, particularly with use of live video which is impossible to edit unlike pictures downloaded from the internet! When customers feel the likelihood of detection increasing, as many as 30% choose to withdraw their opportunistic claim.

In 2020, the most responsible thing any insurer in the world can do is to focus on cost-reduction and efficiency enhancement through digital cloud-based systems that staff can access from anywhere if they need to. This focus increases settlement speed, reduces opportunistic fraud and ensures valid claims make it through the system quickly.

Customers have a responsibility to insurers but insurers have a bigger responsibility to their customers to ensure that genuine claims are paid fast and their claims systems are lean, fast, fit and digital enough to keep costs down while dealing with inevitably rising fraud."