Aviva, AXA- a tale of two insurers and attaining digital maturity
I can almost imagine Adam Winslow, Aviva’s chief executive of general insurance for the UK and Ireland, reading this podcast hosted by...
I can almost imagine Adam Winslow, Aviva’s chief executive of general insurance for the UK and Ireland, reading this podcast hosted by...
BETSIE (Buildings Enhanced Triage Steering Intelligence Engine) uses machine learning to streamline processes around complex property...
Interesting sign of building out the insurance ecosystem and, of course, vice versa from hospitality with Covid-19 the catalyst.
AXA Chief Exec Thomas Burbell clearly sees the big tech giants Amazon, Facebook, Google, Apple etc the competitive threat rather than...
"Not taking insurtechs seriously yet? It seems the major insurance players certainly are, as indicated by the establishment of yet...
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